Are Grounds and Gardens Important for a Wedding Venue?

Sadly, our beautiful blank canvas wedding barn is silent and empty - no cheering sounds of happy groups of family and friends come to celebrate a happy couple’s big day. No children and dogs running joyously on the lawns or enjoying the double swing or the rill. The self-catering cottages are empty - usually full of busy people helping to decorate and prepare for the wonderful celebration. Above all - no blissfully happy couple spreading warmth and happiness wherever they go.

And we all know why!

But every cloud has a silver lining of some sort…. And the lockdown has given us plenty of time to work on the grounds and gardens. 

They say we are a nation of shop-keepers but we are also a nation of gardeners.

Maintaining our grounds

Our little team has kept going with mowing, weeding and planting so that, when  we are finally allowed to welcome couples back to our beautiful venue, there will be a plentiful and abundant garden for you to feast your eyes on and lots of pretty places for that perfect photograph.

Spending so much time on the grounds and gardens has made us think whether they are as important to our clients and guests as we think they are. 

On the face of it, it’s a difficult one to answer.  When we show couples around they are thrilled with the expansive lawns, the rose bower and the double swing…. But, apart from the wedding photographs, do you think the grounds are really important?

We really hope so as we have put a lot of thought and work into making our grounds really super!

And actually – looking at the pictures, not only of the bride and groom, but of all their guests with smiles on their faces – we hope that our gorgeous grounds and gardens have given their day that little something special.

We look forward to welcoming you back to enjoy the fruits of our labours in the gardens!


A smaller, more intimate wedding venue


Big Pit National Coal Museum