Originally a Welsh long house, Tall John’s House was subsequently shaped by British naval history.
In 1588 the manor house was created to celebrate the victory over the Spanish Armada.
Extensive Georgian renovations took place in the late 19th century when the famous Admiral Hamilton used his substantial prize money to create a wonderful Georgian manor house. Hamilton was one of the role models for Jack Aubrey of “Master and Commander” fame. In the late 1950s another admiral, Watson, (with considerably less prize money!) brought the house up into the 20th century. The house is still in the Watson family’s possession and now has all the comforts of the 21st century but has kept its character from the past six hundred years.

Four in a Bed Winners
In 2017 we made the decision to apply to feature on Channel 4s programme Four In A Bed where four contestants compete to be the best value for money for bed and breakfast accommodation.
We were really thrilled to win on the final day. The competition was between such diverse types of accommodation that no-one really lost as it is a question of taste and budget. Nonetheless we were really pleased to be considered the best value for money and especially by such knowledgeable accommodation owners.