Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions we have received. If your question is not answered below please get in touch with us via our Contact Form and we will answer your question directly.
Is there sufficient local accommodation for our guests?
Yes, Tall John’s Manor House can accommodate up to 27 people, Honeysuckle Cottage sleeps 8 and The Coachmans sleeps 2 and they are all on site. Please contact us for a list of local accommodation we also recommend.
Are tables and chairs included in the hire price?
No. You are free to choose any supplier.
What are the dimensions of the barn?
The barn is approximately 18 metres long x 6 metres wide. The barn has 7 beams running across and they are each approx. 7 metres in length. The large double doors are each 290cm wide and are situated 6m from the kitchen end of the barn. The window sills are 60cm x 30cm. The space between the beams in the Barn is about 3 metres but the beams nearest the big doors are nearer 4 metres apart. The height from floor to bean is 3.7 metres and 6 metres to the highest point of the ceiling.
What are the dimensions of the Granary?
The downstairs area is 8 metres x 4.5 metres and the mezzanine level above is 5 metres by 5 metres.
What are the dimensions of the pergola in the courtyard?
5 metres x 5.5 metres x 3metres 10cm high.
What time can we party until?
Our licence runs until 12 midnight but noise restrictions means loud music must be turned down at 11pm.
Can we have confetti?
Only if it is natural petal confetti.
Will a coach fit up the drive?
No, please park temporarily in the lane.
Can we leave cars at the barn overnight?
Yes, in the car parking area.
Do you have a tall ladder for use in the barn?
We do. You just have to sign a ladder disclaimer form on the day you are setting up.
Can we have fireworks?
Yes that is not a problem but you will need to sign a disclaimer and agree to let them off in a designated area for safety reason and have a trained professional in charge.
Can we use hay bales?
No. Sorry, as the fire risk is just too great.
How do we attach decorations in the barn?
The only rule is that you must leave the barn as you found it.
Can we hang decorations etc. up in the trees outside?
Yes, that is fine as long as you are careful.
Can we move the garden furniture on the lawns anywhere we like?
Yes, that is fine as long as they are returned to where you found them.
Can we let off Chinese lanterns?
No. We are sorry but our lovely neighbours have livestock in the fields and they frighten them
Is there Wifi in the barn?
Is smoking allowed?
Only outside and please make sure ends are disposed of properly.
Can we bring our own alcohol and do you charge corkage?
You may bring your own alcohol and we do not charge corkage. However under the licensing laws you may not sell alcohol provided yourself or your guests.
If you wish us to chill the bottles and/or dispose of the empties, we charge £3 per bottle for this service. We have an alcohol licence and can supply alcohol for the tables and toasts if you prefer. Please see the question below for information about our bar service.
What arrangements can be made for a Bar?
Doctors Orders can run a paid bar for you to your requirements to include whatever you wish. They can also service a “free” bar if you prefer and we are happy to start with a “free bar” and then continue with a paid bar when the agreed balance has been reached.
Is there car parking?
Yes ample parking at the owners’ risk.
Do you have a suppliers list?
Yes, we have an exclusive and carefully selected suppliers list we will be pleased to share with you.
Will someone be present on the day to help with any unforeseen problems?
Yes, one of our team will be present throughout the wedding.
Do you have anyone who can help with planning and styling?
Yes, we have a local wedding planner who knows the venue really well and can help you if you wish.